What is Aspect Ratio? - Stewart

What is Aspect Ratio?

Aspect ratio is the shape of a screen’s display/image area. It is the ratio between its width and height. One of the best ways to choose an aspect ratio for a projector and screen is to know the aspect ratio of the source/content to be displayed.

There are few popular aspect ratios:

Ratio Application
1:1 1:1 or squared screens are still used by commercial operations, research and educational facilities.

4:3 (1.33:1)

4:3 or NTSC is the original TV format. They are also used mainly with commercial and educational facilities.

16:9 (1.78:1)

16:9 or HDTV is the most common aspect ratio in use today. It is the standard aspect ratio of most TV flat panels and projectors on the market today. Logical choice for Blu-Ray and widescreen DVD.

16:10 (1.60:1)

16:10 is for PC widescreen, primarily used in businesses.

2.35:1 to 2.40:1

2.35:1 or CinemaScope, or “Widescreen” is based on the original 35mm format of motion picture production. This is the typical format used in the movies shown in today’s theaters.

Formatting your projector’s aspect ratio with a matching format of your projection screen is important. While 1:1, 4:3 and 16:10 aspect ratios are ideal for commercial applications, 16:9 is ideal for home theater and it can fit 2.35:1 content when needed. But for the dedicated movie enthusiast, a 2.35:1 widescreen format would be best.

If you need a specify aspect ratio or multiple aspect ratios for your projection screen, at Stewart Filmscreen we have a perfect solution.

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